"The purpose of all education should be to foster and further the supreme purpose of life, the development of a majestic and well-balanced personality."

A cosmic rehabilitation program for all UASPR students


The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion (UASPR) and Divine Administration offers opportunities for on-campus and non-resident education and training. The heart and focus of our studies is to further spiritual progress and give wisdom a place in the temporal plane of living. Programs at the UASPR have touched thousands of lives for over 30 years and have been an instrument for inspiring a global perspective in all departments of human thinking, feeling and doing. Our curriculum is inspired by prophets, intellects, poets, artists, scholars and savants. Our faculty apply their own gifts and talents to the sum of useful knowledge to impart this to the student. Being fully dedicated to the upliftment of the planet, UASPR invites all truth-seekers and those with sincere hearts of service to visit our campus and be introduced to this academy of higher learning. UASPR helps you to manifest your unique destiny rather than give you just a diploma to hang on the wall. Employers hire individuals who can do the job, not diplomas.


This unique university is for students who want to be outside the system. It is for higher spiritual seekers and students of higher consciousness, who seek spiritual education and study the Fifth Epochal Revelation. As opposed to studying just curriculum or concepts, the UASPR is a special workplace dedicated to building your spiritual life. When you live on campus, you will experience and benefit from the divine authority structure of on-campus eldership. Off-campus students receive a different diploma than on-campus students. Each student’s relationship to the Creator determines the student’s unique destiny as it unfolds in God’s perfect will.

Tent side camping on Oak Creek

The Fusion of Science, Spirituality & Sustainability

The University of Ascension Science & The Physics of Rebellion offers residential educational opportunities for students interested in the study of science and spirituality (Ascension Science) and the underlying particle reality of spirituality (the Physics of Rebellion). Our campus is located in Rio Rico, Arizona within a 227-acre EcoVillage. Here, students find an immersive course of study in which they develop higher consciousness amidst a living environment that is deeply connected with the natural and spiritual forces of the Creator.

Find friends and fun during your stay at Camp Avalon

University Founders

Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase have dedicated their lives to the teaching of spiritual concepts towards the fulfillment of their vision for all peoples to unite under one god, one planetary family. University students participate in the building of this new paradigm vision which our co-founders have been leading for more than 30 years.
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Climb the red rock mountains of Sedona

A Study of the Epochal Revelation

University courses in spirituality offer curricula focused on the Fifth Epochal Revelation (The URANTIA Book) and Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation (The Cosmic Family Volumes 1 & 2). These texts provide foundational knowledge and inspirational readings for faculty-led classes that consist primarily of student discussion and collaborative projects.
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Student Culture

Students of The University of Ascension Science & The Physics of Rebellion enjoy individualized educational programs that are designed with each student's interests in mind. Musicians, artists, and entrepreneurs of all kinds find fulfillment and balance in a workload that is based on an individual's interests and desire to serve. Recreational opportunities on and off campus round out a balanced lifestyle that holds the importance of educational pursuits on an equal level with soul-growing experiences.
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The University of Ascension Science & The Physics of Rebellion (UASPR) and Divine Administration offer opportunities for on campus and non-resident education and training. We invite all truth seekers and those with sincere hearts of service to visit our campus and be introduced to this academy of higher learning. Please contact us to arrange a visit.