Exploring the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation
The Cosmic Family volumes are unlike any other writings on this planet. They are the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation to this planet and contain the succeeding papers of revelatory information begun in The URANTIA Book (the Fifth Epochal Revelation), which was first published in 1955. To truly comprehend the information presented, it is best understood when studied sequentially or simultaneously — beginning with The URANTIA Book, then The Cosmic Family Volumes — to build a foundation of information-based precept upon precept, concept upon concept.
The Cosmic Family, Volume 1 is the beginning teachings of Ascension Science relating the micro/macro world to circumstantial reality in your everyday life, which brilliantly explains disease, death, and the present world conditions that are intensified because of the adjudication of the Bright and Morning Star versus Lucifer that began in 1911 and was upstepped in 1989.
Although more than 133 papers for The Cosmic Family volumes have been transmitted, only The Cosmic Family, Volumes 1 & 2 have been published; Volumes 3 and 4 are being finalized for publication.
Our Cosmic Family courses of the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation introduce many new concepts, referred to in Divine Administration as the language of the Fifth World. The Physics of Rebellion is a fundamental concept addressed in Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation.
Exploring the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation
- The Cosmic Family Volume 1
- The Cosmic Family Volume 2

These classes focus on the fusion of science and spirituality. Coursework builds on foundational concepts from The URANTIA Book and expands upon continued concepts such as destiny fulfillment, starseed reality, and more.
Ready to enroll in a Cosmic Family Volume course? Visit the online bookstore to purchase your textbooks, The Cosmic Family Volume 1 or The Cosmic Family Volume 2.