Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase are the physical embodiment of spirituality and leadership. They are spiritual elders, leaders, pastors, teachers, counselors, authors, community builders, and sustainable living pioneers. In 1989 they founded Global Community Communications Alliance—currently a 120+ member spiritual community and university located in southern Arizona in the historic southwest towns of Tubac and Rio Rico.
Together they are the Head Administrators of a Divine Administration, an innovative spiritual concept of Government. Additionally they serve as the Executive Directors of the Alternative Voice, an international periodical, which fuses spirituality and leadership with activism—a pioneering idea that has inspired many other leaders.
Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase are spiritual elders who have been proactive in the spiritual, social, and environmental arenas for decades, standing up for justice and godly social service. Together they hold the Mandate of the Bright and Morning Star, a spiritual mandate focused on creating global change to assist our planet's shift into higher levels of consciousness, increased cooperation and a global sense of responsibility for each other and the world. Their Global Change Teachings present very real solutions to bring about global change through spiritual unity, without uniformity.
The Mandate of the Bright and Morning Star is the Mandate of the Chief Executive of our local universe, given by the Creator Son of the universe of Nebadon, Christ Michael, who came to this planet as Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago. The Bright and Morning Star is also known as Gabriel of Salvington and is the same celestial “Gabriel” who appeared to Mother Mary to tell of her child of promise, and who appeared to Mohamed on Mount Hirah giving him the teachings which would become the Qur’an. And the Bright and Morning Star also came to Joseph Smith, who started the then Mormon Church, which became The Church of Latter-day Saints. The soul of Van, of The URANTIA Book, has started many spiritual renaissances on this planet. The Bright and Morning Star/Gabriel of Salvington, a celestial being created by the Creator Son and Universe Mother Spirit, has made other visitations throughout the history of this world and is highly involved in the spiritual affairs of what happens on Earth.
Van of Urantia, through his soul ascension, was given the Mandate of the Bright and Morning Star along with his spiritual complement, Niánn Emerson Chase (a descendant of Ralph Waldo Emerson) in 1989. This is a Mandate to serve the people of the world, to help in healing and destiny actualization, to serve as true spiritual teachers and leaders, establishing not another new religion, but a spiritual union of all people as one planetary family under one Creator. As part of this Mandate, Van of Urantia is an Audio Fusion Material Complement to Gabriel of Salvington/the Bright and Morning Star.
The highest form of interplanetary and interdimensional communication is the Audio Fusion Material Complement, and there is only one on the planet at any one time. Van of Urantia has had numerous supernatural and paranormal experiences with celestial beings who speak through him, as they use his body to communicate higher spiritual teachings from their dimension to ours. Van of Urantia is the soul of Van. The Mandate of the Bright and Morning Star, among other things, is a Mandate of adjudication. It adjudicates the wrong thinking and wrong actions of souls who do things and say things based upon their evil, sin, and iniquity.
The following is a shorter definition, as written in the Glossary of The Cosmic Family, Volume 2:
Mandate of the Bright and Morning Star
The universe directive from Christ Michael, Creator and Sovereign of the Universe of Nebadon, authorizing His Chief Administrator, Gabriel, the Bright and Morning Star of Salvington, to adjudicate the Lucifer Rebellion, beginning with our planet Urantia. Under this Mandate is the authority to reinstate Divine Administration on the planet through the highest spiritual complementary-polarity couple on the planet, his Audio Fusion Material Complement, Van of Urantia of Tora, and Niánn Emerson Chase (a descendant of Ralph Waldo Emerson), in cooperation with the present Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek. This Mandate includes bringing through Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation, healing of the mind, body and soul, and the authority to train and mandate humans to administrative positions in Divine Administration, and to help Destiny Reservists to manifest their own individual destinies by helping to supply all of the tools needed to do so. This Mandate is also to manifest the Global Communications Center Temple, i.e., the Global Temple.

The following social outreach programs have been founded by Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase.
For more information visit
Global Community Communications Alliance

A Divine Administration, Alternative, New-Thought, Progressive, and Temple Community.
Global Alliance Properties I, LLC

Global Alliance Properties' boutique lodging & rentals are a delightful alternative to typical hotels with properties in Sedona and Tubac, two of Arizona's most popular locations for history, hiking, and art.
Soulistic Healing Center

Promoting lasting health through holistic therapies in Tubac, Arizona, including massage and acupuncture and specializing in aqua therapy sessions in our 5 chlorine-free and chemical-free ionized pools.
Soulistic Hospice

Serving souls in their final phase of life in recognition that this time holds tremendous potential for emotional and spiritual growth for all involved.
Global Change Media

Helping people bring their positive ideas and services to the world through our media networks, creative agency, media consultants, brand specialists and pro-audio/video productions.
Global Change Music

The new alternative, new-thought, progressive nonprofit record label offering musicians recording opportunities using professional world-class equipment for voice and instrumental training.
The Sea of Glass Center for the Arts

The Sea Of Glass - Center For The Arts — A center for global change through higher consciousness. International bands and speakers in a sacred environment.
Future Studios

State-of-the-art recording studio with retreat facilities for bands in a sacred environment providing meals. Producer and studio musicians available, if needed.
KVAN Radio

Your alternative, new-thought, progressive community radio network. KVAN is visionary radio. Online at
Global Community Communications Publishing

Publishing continuing epochal revelation and related materials as well as Global Change Teachings and other spiritually-oriented texts.
Alternative Voice

Quarterly periodical addressing the many crises of our world and offering hope by fusing spirituality with activism with revelatory information and answers.
Musicians-That-Need-To-Be-Heard Network

Providing opportunities for musicians to communicate their musical messages without spiritual compromise.
Global Change Theater Company

Writing, producing, and performing plays and musicals designed to stir and inspire the soul.
Global Schools for Starseed and Urantian Children and Teens

A year-round home school cooperative with preschool through high school classes focused on the development of the whole personality and nurturing the latent potentials of each individual child's artistic and creative capabilities. The only children's school that deals with the point of origin (universe) and the age of the soul.
Spirit Steps Tours

Enlightening tours for the seeking sojourner and eco-tourist. Serving Sedona, Tucson, and the Tubac / Santa Cruz River Valley, Arizona.
Homeless Is Not My Choice

A residential program at UASPR in Tumacácori, Arizona, where accepted homeless are incorporated into residential & family housing where a variety of vocational skills can be learned.
Friendly Hands Vocational Training

Hands-on training apprenticeship programs in a wide range of career fields.
Global Family Legal Services

Nonprofit legal services in various fields, particularly immigration and domestic cases. Pursuing peace and justice through advocacy.
Planetary Family Services

Providing cleaning, landscaping, and other services to create, embellish, and bring godly energy to the environment.
More Information
Van of Urantia is one of the most unique and distinct spiritual leaders and authors of our time. His work provides wisdom, cosmic absolutes, and answers to the questions of the seeking soul.
Niánn Emerson Chase is a spiritual leader, educator, activist, and a prolific author with many articles on culture, society, spirituality, and sustainability.
Books, music, and articles by Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase can be purchased through the University Resource Center.